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Become a Member

Join us as we unleash the puppets!

By joining the Puppet Guild of Greater St. Louis, you are investing in the future of puppetry arts in our community. Fees support local performances and help local puppeteers grow as artists. Our community exchanges ideas, mentors new puppeteers, and spreads our love of puppetry throughout the community. Whether you are a puppeteer or a devoted patron of the puppetry arts, please consider joining our guild!

Annual Membership Fees:

Individual (adults 22 and older): $20

Family (one household): $28 

Youth (individuals 21 and younger): $10

Senior (individuals 65 and older): $15

We will begin accepting online membership payments soon! To join in person, please inquire with a guild member at one of our in-person meetings. See our events page for details. 

Yellow Marionette
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